Saturday, 21 February 2015

Should Traffic Be Reversed in Priory Street?


In what seems like an odd decision to me, Essex County Council roads boss Rodney Bass (Conservative) has put forward plans to reverse the traffic in Priory Street. These plans have been unanimously opposed by the Priory Street Residents Association in a vote conducted in a recent emergency meeting. Currently drivers can only access Priory Street, which runs from Queen Street to East Hill,  from Queen Street. However under the new plans, which are due to come into effect before April 13 without consultation, motorists will only be able to get on to the street from East Hill.
It seems to me that the least Mr Bass could do is to consult with the residents of Priory Street, as well as those who use the schools and religious institutions there, before and decision is finally made. Simply imposing a diktat from on high when the possible increase in traffic will impact on peoples' lives would hardly be inclusive or wise management. There is the real possibility that Priory Street could become a rat-run to the town centre and clog up with traffic in a similar manner to Brook Street, which in 2010 became Colchester's most polluted street.

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