Should I be elected as Colchester's first Green MP on June 8th, my immediate priorities will be:
1) CAMPAIGNING FOR MORE NHS FUNDING FOR COLCHESTER: I will lobby vociferously for more investment in Colchester Hospital and walk-in centres to cope with the ever increasing local population. I will use my position in the House of Commons to raise the issue of creeping NHS privatisation at every single opportunity.
2) SOCIAL CARE FOR THE ELDERLY: I will use every media opportunity I get to expose the disgusting state of the social care system and the chronic cuts to local government funding which is fuelling it. The last generation to have lived through World War II deserve better.
3) FIGHTING OVERDEVELOPMENT OF OUR COUNTRYSIDE: I will lobby continuously against the weakening of the planning laws which have made it easier for developers to build over the green belt in general and concrete over the countryside around Colchester. Local people should have real localism when it comes to planning decisions.
4) PRIVATE MEMBERS BILL ON SCRAPPING TUITION FEES: I will draft and table a private members bill as soon as possible to scrap all higher education tuition fees. Essex University students should be able to access higher education freely as older generations did.
5) HOUSING: I will lobby and campaign for most new housing to be social housing and for rent capping in the UK. Too many new developments in and around Colchester consist of huge ugly boxes at equally huge prices.
6) JOBS IN RENEWABLE ENERGY: I will lobby hard for more subsidies for wind and solar energy in order to reduce our carbon footprint and create jobs both in the Colchester area and nationally.
7) EDUCATION. I will expose the chronic underfunding of our schools and colleges at every opportunity.
8) OUR PRECIOUS WILDLIFE: With over 50% of wildlife in the UK in major decline I will use the publicity that being an MP will bring to ensure that this is not swept under the carpet or ignored.
9) THE HOMELESS: I will work with Colchester's homeless charities to lobby for greater funding from central government to tackle this increasing issue. In particular I will write to whoever is Prime Minister asking that all ex-service personnel and under 21s be guaranteed a roof over their heads by law.
10) A CIVIL WAR MUSEUM FOR COLCHESTER: I will do my best as MP to encourage, facilitate and lobby for funding for a civil war museum in Colchester and further enhancement of our town's heritage.
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